Course Content

Some of the topics we will cover: this is an overview of topics. It does not mean one topic per class.

Nutrition and how it keeps you low risk by helping to prevent high blood pressure, low AFI, pre-eclampsia, premature rupture of the membranes, premature labor

Exercises to prepare you for labor and delivery, stretches that reduce pelvic torsion which may help prevent malpositioning of baby. Anatomy of the pelvis, baby positioning, stretching psoas and piriformis to reduce tension or torsion in the pelvic area and reduce pain.

Choosing a care provider and birth place: the incredible importance of having the right birth team, questions to ask your care provider, the many benefits of hiring a doula and surrounding yourself with positive, affirming support persons

Phases and stages of labor: management of labor with proper hydration and the right foods, emotional map of labor, dilation, effacement, station, prodromal labor, variations in labor, addressing your fears or anxieties about birth, learning about your internal medicine chest of hormones, mock pushing practice learning various positions and techniques for 2nd stage

Comfort measures for labor: practicing touch relaxation & tense/release, imagery, how the body processes pain, ways to lessen pain, counterpressure, acupressure, massage, use of shower, bath, birth ball, rebozo, and rhythmic movement. Vocalizations that release tension 

A previous couple comes in to share their birth story, couples do mock labor practice, discussion of birth scenarios. Posterior & acynclitic babies - benefits of chiropractic care and Webster technique, how to re-align baby during labor, flexion (baby tucking chin), positions that help, comfort measures that help with back labor

Hospital protocols and procedures: risks/benefits of procedures and medications, informed consent, how to negotiate for individual care vs routine care, induction, fetal monitoring, medications, episiotomy, group B strep. How to make a very simple birth plan (and we mean simple!), but we don't call it a plan, instead we call it birth wishes or birth preferences as birth is a mystery and unpredictable. 

Cesarean birth, delayed cord clamping, newborn screening tests, questions to ask a prospective pediatrician

Breastfeeding: advantages for mom and baby, technique, signs of a good latch, preventing soreness, engorgement and mastitis, collecting and storing breastmilk, nursing attire, pumps on the market, going back to work and continuing to breastfeeding, support groups, California breastfeeding laws for employers, helping babies with colic, jaundice in the newborn, when to start solids and more

Preparing for an amazing postpartum period with your newborn: the incredible value of this 6-week milestone, having a plan for help, meals, and clearing your calendar, taking care of your body post-birth, stress reducers, the blues vs depression, the 4th trimester, 5 areas of change after baby arrives, ways to soothe baby and the partner's vital role in nurturing mom and bonding with baby

Baby care: newborn characteristics, eye care, cord care, bathing baby, what about circumcision, products to use and what to avoid, discussion of the appropriate number of wet and soiled diapers baby should have, soothing the fussy baby, what if baby has a cold, discussion and the showing of many diapering styles available including gDiapers, All-in-ones like FuzziBunz, Bum Genius, Best Bottom and Blueberry diapers, chemical free disposables, diapering services, parenting resources


Kathy Killebrew CCCE, CAPPA
[email protected]